Moving Images
Massive Giant ident
Produced by Paul Gilbert and Gary Marsh, this is a 3D animated version of a photo-illustration originally produced by Gary Marsh.
Created in Photoshop and Cinema 4D.
Music by Massive Giant (© Gilbert / Marsh)
Music video for The Christmas Bunch Recording Company.
Directed and edited by Paul Gilbert
3D animation for “interactive 3D” microsite
UBS FXI Software Product Intro:
3D animation produced by Paul Gilbert as an intro for a corporate microsite (no longer live).
Brief: Clean and engaging 3D animation depicting the power under the hood and key features of the software. The final frame of the video becomes the interface for the site and the site navigation is achieved through pre-rendered 3D animations around the scene.
Treatments for “Cloudburst”
A short, written & directed by Michelle Golder.
3D animation tests, match-moved and composited onto live footage by Paul Gilbert.
Music by Massive Giant (© Gilbert / Marsh)